You are registered for a free Christmas tree in Colorado Springs on Saturday, Dec 10th at the time slot in your text message. 

Over 50 elves have been collecting trees, ornaments, tinsel, lights, candy canes, and rooms full of Christmas decorations for you- it’s an amazing collection!  Do not miss this opportunity to get a no cost tree and decorations.

We are doing a drive-through giveaway this year and are scheduling one hour pick up time slots. Elves will bring the tree and decorations to your car. 

You MUST COME to the giveaway AT THE TIME SPECIFIED in your text to pick up your tree and decorations. We try to have enough trees for everyone, but can’t guarantee it.


DATESaturday, December 10th 

TIME : In your text message

ELF GROUP: In your text message

Please DO NOT come early! If you absolutely can not make this time, you can also come between 1:30 and 2:30.

LOCATION4575 Galley Rd, Colorado Springs (Between Academy and Powers, next to Ent Credit Union)

You will need to give the elves your name, phone number and tell them what ELF GROUP you are in (it’s in your text) You CAN send someone in your place, just make sure they know what name and number you signed up with and what ELF GROUP you are in.

Merry Christmas,

Elf David, Michelle and Head Junior Elf Rose